Monday, January 27, 2014

Hey lil $#@%!^& this that media $#!+

       The media often presents many common, current issues of today, not only locally or nationally. but around the world. The media also serves as a source of entertainment and marketing but those types of media are usually based off what is trending in current events and issues. As a viewer all of this affects your life in one way or another. So my question is: As a parent, the main controller of the remote, how does media affect your decision making on what you let your kids watch and what is considered good or bad media for your kids? So I had a conversation with my cousin Jocaster who has a daughter, a son and takes care of his brothers son and is trying to plan out his television monitoring and restrictions.

       Joe and I recollect what media was light when we were younger and started to choose what we watched on television. We remember all of the cartoon violence and action. Those very same shows would be the ones we would imitate while we played as well as would constantly quote and watch more of. The other thing we remember is how all of the cool and major characters smoked cigars are something like that in their shows as well as substitute other items in shows for drug and alcohol references. Another common thing in our cartoons and television shows was sexual innuendo. We also remember how the commercials would further encourage these bad habits by selling toys that promote the same things. We came to an agreement that even though the media was not the only factor it did have a great influence on us and our peers over time.
       Joe said he will be closely monitoring what his kids, watches in their early stages of life so they will choose the better ones when he gets a bit older. He goes on to say that he will be a little lenient on what they watch because he said that is when his parenting skills will kick in. Though their may be racy things on television and the internet he can't render his kids ignorant but instead expose them to it through a television and show them right from wrong. He goes on to say that he feels if there is a subject that he may feel is racy but is common with kids around their age he will talk about it with them so that if it comes up in real life as well as in the media they know how to handle it. He further notes that when it comes to his daughter he will monitor harder on her interactions online, attempting to keep her away from perverts and kidnappers.
       He explained after becoming a parent he became more involved media. Keeping up with the trends and current dangers of the world. He told me it gave him a better understanding of many things and taught him what to do in certain situations. He brought up the point of no matter how much monitoring he does in the house technology made it possible to access media from anywhere. He says since he is still pretty young he is still in the loop as far as social media and video games however he is afraid of loosing touch when he gets older much like most parents he knows.

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