Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Dun da da Dun da DUNNNNN.. the interweb

       The year was 1998. The computer, which resembled the television in shape, was extremely huge with a very limited amount of icons on the screen. The colors were very over saturated and all programs needed a disc in order to be activated, including the internet. Once I clicked on the AOL icon for the internet I would get this sound of a phone dialing numbers followed by a screeching sound. This let me know that the all mighty internet was coming. On a few occasions it did not work on the first try but back then it was okay because it was faster than anything we have ever known. Not to mention if some one was on the internet you could not use the phone. Little did we know we would come so much farther in the next 10 years. The whole process of how we access the internet and how we live our life would change.
       The internet was suppose to be the new wave of business, media, and education. When the internet became available to the masses its image was a family oriented vehicle for information. The place where everyone in the family could get the information they needed faster than any other available source. Dad could get his sport updates, mom could find read the news, the children could
play learning games, and the young upcoming business man can communicate his business. All the necessities were there without the distractions, inappropriateness, and dangers of the real world.
       What the internet became was a vehicle for all entertainment, information, and communication. The internet is no longer just for leisure and convenience, now it is a necessity. Majority job applications, all colleges, and memberships require an email. Social media and other internet post determine whether or not you get a certain job. Young children use it for education and gaming purposes. I even have to have a blog for class. There are now being books made just for the internet. Newspapers are being printed less because the major ones have websites. The internet is starting to monopolize the way people live they're daily life. People shop, talk, learn, inform, entertain, watch, and do business all on the internet. I worry about what this means for the future of mankind.
     In the future there might not be a reason to leave the house. If a person can go to grade school, college, and get a job all through the internet they are no longer legally forced to leave the house. A
person can find a date, new friends, and new clothes so there is no social reason for them to leave the house. You can even buy houses, furnishings, and appliances so it is possible to find a location outside your parents house to live.
       We went from large boxes and dialing tones to 5 inch screens with the internet at the tap of a finger. No more loud noises or waiting for your internet to literally dial up. No the instant you type in something the image can appear in front of you. Everything you want and need you van obtain online with out a desktop or wires. I just hope we don't get carried away.

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