Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Normally not normal

       Hello, My name is Joe-Joe. No it's not short for Joseph or Josiah; its short for Jordan. I'm 19 years old but most people say I look around 12. I consider myself a hip-hop head. I listen to a lot of classic hip-hop but when it comes to current my music I listen to everything to decide who I will continue to listen to. In a way that's how I choose my friends as well. I introduce myself to everyone to decide and through our following conversations I come up with a conclusion of whether we are going to be good friends or not. I am very open with my thoughts and opinions so there is rarely silence in my conversations. 
       As far as media, it effects my life in many aspects. Media happens to be a great source of information, entertainment, and communication. It has been getting easier to get more information as well as information that is more relevant to the viewer. Through social media I feel like I can get enough updates of current events that I can choose whether to search further or not. Because of that I rarely feel the need to watch the news. Media usually gives people suggestions on how to dress and act in public but it also gives a false image of what normal people live like. With reality shows being so popular people seem to forget more and more that if the people were really that down to earth they wouldn't be on television.

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